Monday 17 September 2012


What is Reflexology?  Reflexology is based on the belief that all the organs and structures of the body are represented on a “map” on the feet/hands.  Through manipulation of these reflex points, we can kick start the body’s own natural healing.  It can help with wide range of ailments and dis-eases, not least are stress related.
So how does this relate to you (the carer) and autism?

We know that carers/mothers (especially those with autistic/special need children) are under stress and anxiety which has a knock on effect to their health.  Even the most sceptics of medics agree that if nothing else, reflexology can and does reduce stress and anxiety and therefore when done on a regular basis, will help keep you calmer, stress free and make you feel more in control.  This in turn makes your job as a carer much easier and everyone is much happier!
 More interestingly is the effect reflexology has on special needs/autism. 

Many organs in our body are regulated by the central nervous system (CNS) which includes the brain and spinal cord.  The CNS controls hormone levels as well as co-ordinates the activities of all the organs of the body.  Stimulation of these organs – through reflexology – help to strengthen the neuron network in the body by providing stimulation the body and in particular to the face, neck, head and back areas.  Strengthening the neural network will improve communication between the CNS and the organs.  Therefore overall health will be improved.

  We also know that by stimulation the pineal and pituitary areas of the brain, the glands release the following hormones:
a)      OXYTOCIN:
This may decrease repetitive behaviours and improve interpretation of emotions.
b)    ACTH:
This is a cortisone related hormone linked to stress and anxiety.
This controls body rhythms.  Not enough melatonin can cause depression and insomnia.
Reflexology can help autism/special needs by relieving some of the symptoms ie
·        Reduces stress and anxiety
·        Reduces insomnia and improves sleep patterns
·        OCD
·        IBS/Digestive issues
·        Help improve self-esteem and confidence (human touch element)
·        Help capacity to learn by improving attention span and concentration.
·        Calms hyperactivity
·        Improve speech
·        Improves social interaction and communication
·        Improves hypersensitivity to touch and sound

Perhaps most importantly, is the huge impact and healing power of human touch.



From relaxation comes wellbeing,
from wellbeing comes lightness and joy.